This class is real hard, I'm a 9th grader, I'm real smart, but it's too hard, what am I supposed to do?

It's great to hear that you consider yourself smart and are looking for ways to overcome the challenges you're facing in this class. Here are a few steps you can take to improve your situation:

1. Evaluate your current study habits: Reflect on how you approach studying for this particular class. Are you organized? Do you allocate enough time for studying? Assessing your study habits will help you identify areas that need improvement.

2. Communicate with your teacher: Reach out to your teacher and express your concerns about the difficulty level of the class. Teachers are there to help, and they might provide you with additional resources or guidance specific to your needs.

3. Seek extra help: If you're struggling with specific concepts or topics, consider seeking extra help. You can ask your teacher for clarification, join study groups with classmates, or hire a tutor who specializes in the subject.

4. Break down the material: Instead of overwhelming yourself with the entire curriculum, break it down into smaller, manageable sections. Set achievable goals for mastering each section before moving on to the next one.

5. Utilize available resources: Take advantage of resources such as textbooks, online videos, practice quizzes, and educational websites. These can provide alternative explanations and extra practice to help reinforce your understanding.

6. Practice regularly: Consistency is key when it comes to learning. Make a study schedule that includes regular review and practice sessions. By continually engaging with the material, it becomes easier to grasp and retain information.

7. Stay organized: Keep track of due dates, assignments, and important information related to the class. Staying organized will help you prioritize your workload and manage your time effectively.

Remember, challenging classes can push you to grow and develop new skills. With persistence, a positive mindset, and a willingness to seek help when needed, you'll be able to overcome the difficulties and succeed in the class. Good luck!