Nine more than the quotient of two and a number x.

9 + 2/x

thank you for answering my question again

Three minus the product of two and a number x.

It's your turn now. What do you think this answer is?

9 plus 2 divided by x, i used a website to figure out but i cant post the urls

In other words, you cannot state the answer. Give it a try.

To determine the expression "Nine more than the quotient of two and a number x," we can break it down step by step:

1. Start with the number x.
2. Divide 2 by x to find the quotient: 2 / x.
3. Add 9 to the quotient: (2 / x) + 9.

Thus, the expression "Nine more than the quotient of two and a number x" can be written as (2 / x) + 9.