The basic recipe for split pea soup serves 8 people. Find the amount of each ingredient needed to serve 32 people.

2 1/4 cup of dried split peas
2 quarts of water
3/4 cup of chopped onions
1 cup chopped celery
2 pound ham shank
Can anyone help me through the process of solving this problem?

32/8 = 4

Multiply the quantity of each ingredient by 4.

You're welcome, ILTHSM.

Thank you Ms. Sue!

no one has the right answers....oof this aint helpful

Okay im pretty lazy but if ur to lazy to even look up what something divided by four is than.... yikes dude.

do yo add it up in the end

@Ms Sue plz answer

yeet she did not answer xdddddddddddddddddddddd


Whats the answer

HELP MEE plZ I GOT A 70% On thE first PArt HElp Plz


*sigh* , welp Best to try me best-

@Ms. Sue has done enough, you can figure out the problem from there.