One bottle if shampoo costs $6 for 8 ounces.A second bottle costs $4 for 5 ounces of shampoo.Which. has the lower unit rate?How much lower?

6/8 = $0.75 per ounce

4/5 = $0.80 per ounce
The 1st bottle and the 2nd bottle is $0.05 more than the first bottle

The second bottle by 1 ounce.

To determine which bottle of shampoo has the lower unit rate, we need to compare the prices per ounce for both bottles.

For the first bottle that costs $6 for 8 ounces, we divide the total cost by the number of ounces: $6 / 8 ounces = $0.75 per ounce.

For the second bottle that costs $4 for 5 ounces, we divide the total cost by the number of ounces: $4 / 5 ounces = $0.80 per ounce.

Comparing the two unit rates, we see that the first bottle has the lower unit rate, which is $0.75 per ounce.

To find out how much lower the unit rate of the first bottle is compared to the second bottle, we subtract the unit rate of the second bottle from the unit rate of the first bottle: $0.75 - $0.80 = -$0.05.

Therefore, the unit rate of the first bottle is $0.05 lower than the unit rate of the second bottle.

The 2nd bottle by 1 ounce.