May I have help on this problem: -v/2 ≥ 1.5 It's in my math textbook, but I think the answer is -3. Is my answer correct, or is it just 3?

-v/2 >= 1.5

-v >= 3
v <= -3

Thank you Steve, I figured it out, it was -3.

To solve the inequality "-v/2 ≥ 1.5," you can follow a few steps to find the answer.

Step 1: Multiply both sides of the inequality by 2 to get rid of the fraction: -v ≥ 3.

Step 2: To isolate the variable, you need to switch the inequality sign since you are multiplying both sides by a negative number. Thus, the inequality becomes v ≤ -3.

So, the correct answer is v ≤ -3, not v = -3 or v = 3. The solution is all values of v that are less than or equal to -3 on the number line.