This image is an example of what color scheme?

1. Cool colors
2. warm colors
3.complementary colors
4. monochromatic colors
Plz help

The answers are


srsly carley y u gots to be gross

any ways thx u steve

what are all the answers?

The picture is a fire. So the answer is 2, Warm colors.

Oh, and Carley there are kids on this website so dont say that stuff. and even if there were no kids here its still super gross looking for a bf on a cheating website. Go to a dating website and set up a profile!

What are all the answers??

What Image?

describe the Image?
Give us an link at least?
Help US out so we can help YOU out!

yeah tell me my mom is REALLY mad at meh

Tristan is correct the answers are

1. A (The bright red grabs the viewer's attention because it is against the green background.)
2. B (Warm colors.)
3. C (Will create a calming affect for the viewer.)

da ansewrs

Y'all, I need the answerssssss! Ahh ahh a aah ah haha!

Tristen! will be getting a Praised due to helping others I would now Announce Everyone Give A Around of Applause to "Tristen"

Praise of Graditude and Helping Others in need Nice Job Tristen!


What colors are on the painting? Reds, yellows, and oranges are warm colors. Blues, purples, and greens are cool colors.


its b-warm colors

Tristen is 100% correct i got a 100!!

Any answers???