
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the definite article**. Not all sentences require an article.If no article is required then write "None needed"

1. Tengo __ libro y __ pluma.
2. __ leche es buena para__salud.
3. ¿Por qué están ausentes__profesor Gómez y __ profesora Lopez?
4. ¿Qué lengua hablan en __ México?
5. Buenas noches, señora Rodriguez.

**Okay, first off, what is the definite article of the sentences? I seriously despise Spanish. I've spoken English all my life. Been doing a Spanish class since 6th grade (now in 10th) and the only phrase I can fluently say is "Mi llamo Rose y yo un mucha loco. Yo no hablo espanol. Yo hablo ingles. "

Can someone help me please?!

The definite articles are

El(singular masculine)
Los(plural masculine)
La(singular feminine)
Las(plural feminine)

So for example the first one is el libro y la pluma. One is masculine , one is feminine and they are both singular. Must words that end in "o' are masculine while words that end in "a" are feminine with some exceptions. Then you just add the "s" to la or change el to los if the object is plural. Try the rest and I will check them for you.

Sure, I can help you understand the definite article in Spanish and how to complete the sentences.

The definite article in Spanish corresponds to "the" in English. It indicates that the noun it modifies is a specific, known entity. In Spanish, the definite article has four forms: el, la, los, and las. The form to use depends on the gender and number (singular or plural) of the noun.

Let's go through the sentences one by one:

1. "Tengo __ libro y __ pluma."
Here, we need to use the definite article for both "libro" (book) and "pluma" (pen). Both words are singular, masculine nouns in Spanish. Since "libro" starts with a consonant sound, we use "el". And since "pluma" starts with a consonant sound as well, we also use "el". Therefore, the sentence becomes "Tengo el libro y el pluma".

2. "__ leche es buena para __ salud."
In this sentence, we need to use the definite article for both "leche" (milk) and "salud" (health). "Leche" is a singular, feminine noun in Spanish and starts with a consonant sound, so we use "la". "Salud" is also a singular, feminine noun but starts with a consonant sound, so we use "la". The sentence becomes "La leche es buena para la salud".

3. "¿Por qué están ausentes __ profesor Gómez y __ profesora Lopez?"
In this sentence, we have two different names, "profesor Gómez" (male teacher) and "profesora Lopez" (female teacher), so we need to use the definite article for both. Since "profesor" is a singular, masculine noun that starts with a consonant sound, we use "el". And since "profesora" is a singular, feminine noun that starts with a consonant sound, we use "la". Therefore, the sentence becomes "¿Por qué están ausentes el profesor Gómez y la profesora Lopez?"

4. "¿Qué lengua hablan en __ México?"
In this sentence, we need to use the definite article for "México". "México" is a masculine noun, but it starts with a vowel sound, so we use "en". The sentence becomes "¿Qué lengua hablan en México?"

5. "Buenas noches, señora Rodriguez."
In this sentence, there is no need for a definite article. It is a greeting and does not require an article. The sentence remains "Buenas noches, señora Rodriguez."

I hope this helps you complete the sentences correctly. Remember, practice is key to mastering any language. Keep learning and don't get discouraged!