A contractor's crew can frame 3 houses in a week. How long will it take them to frame 54 houses if they frame the same number each week?

I have to write the equation in the form of y=mx+b
Would it be:

Your equation makes no sense.

if y is the number of houses framed after x weeks, then (assuming 3 houses per week),
y = 3x
Now you want to find x such that
54 = 3x


3 houses/week * x weeks = 54 weeks
w= 3 x + 0
54 = 3 x
(if your work zero weeks you get 0 houses so b = 0)

To solve this problem, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

Let "x" represent the number of weeks it takes to frame 54 houses.

Based on the information provided, we can establish the equation:

3 houses/week = 54 houses/x weeks

To get it in the form of y = mx + b, we need to solve for "x."

Cross-multiplying the equation, we have:

3x = 54*1

3x = 54

Now, solve for "x":

x = 54/3

x = 18

Therefore, it will take them 18 weeks to frame 54 houses.

So, the equation in the form of y = mx + b would be: y = 3x + 54.

To determine how long it will take the contractor's crew to frame 54 houses, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

If the crew can frame 3 houses in a week, we can express this as the ratio 3 houses/1 week. Now we can set up the proportion:

3 houses / 1 week = 54 houses / x weeks

To solve for x (the number of weeks needed to frame 54 houses), we can cross multiply:

3 * x = 1 * 54


3x = 54

Now we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 3:

x = 54 / 3

x = 18

Therefore, it will take the crew 18 weeks to frame 54 houses.

In the form of y=mx+b, where y represents the number of houses framed and x represents the number of weeks, the equation would be:

y = (3 * x) + b

But since we are not given a specific value for b in the question, we cannot determine the exact equation in this format.