Good evening. I have a hard math problem that I truly need some guidance on please.

Li is making beaded necklaces. For each necklace she uses 23 spacers, plus 3 beads per inch of necklace length. Write an equation to find how many beads Li needs for each necklace, where x is the length, in inches, of the necklace.
The equation the represents this situation is y=
I am confused on what I need to put for the equation. Please help.

100 beads are in a necklace that is 20 inches long

Or y=x

Hello Ms. Jones. I think I somewhat have the answer. y=3x + 23 is that correct?

Sorry for the late reply, had to go! Just go by your gut!

Good evening! I can definitely help you with that math problem.

To find the total number of beads Li needs for each necklace, we need to consider the number of spacers and beads per inch of necklace length.

Given that Li uses 23 spacers for each necklace, we can simply add this as a constant term in the equation.

Now, we also know that she uses 3 beads per inch of necklace length. Since the length of the necklace is represented by "x" (in inches), we can multiply 3 by x to calculate the number of beads used based on the necklace length.

Putting it all together, the equation that represents this situation is:

y = 23 + 3x

In this equation, "y" represents the total number of beads Li needs for each necklace, and "x" represents the length, in inches, of the necklace.