The origins of most Jewish beliefs come from which text?

The Torah

How did the diffusion of Phoenician culture through trade affect the Mediterranean region?

It gave the region a common religious faith.

It gave the region a commonly spoken language.

It gave the region a common form of government.

It gave the region a commonly written alphabet.

is Mrs. Sue even a teacher or is she claiming that she is to

the name says it all

*smiles* then *claps*



Ms. sue actually GAVE the ANSWER hmm I'm surprised

I think she might be a teacher, idk

The origins of most Jewish beliefs can be traced back to the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Tanakh. The Tanakh consists of three main sections: the Torah, the Nevi'im (Prophets), and the Ketuvim (Writings). These texts contain various narratives, laws, teachings, and historical accounts that form the foundation of Jewish beliefs and practices.

To find this answer yourself, you can start by researching the main religious texts in Judaism. A simple internet search for "sacred texts in Judaism" or "Jewish religious texts" will provide you with relevant information. Additionally, exploring books or articles on Jewish theology and history would be helpful in understanding the sources of Jewish beliefs.