Did Judaism or Christianity religions believe in the Trinity? Or both?

Only Christians believe in the Trinity -- God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

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Christianity, Im a Christian we believe in God the Father, Jesus the Son, and The Holy Spirit.

Both Christianity and Judaism are distinct religions with differing beliefs about the nature of God.

Christianity believes in the doctrine of the Trinity, which holds that God is a triune being, consisting of three distinct but unified persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. Christians believe that these three persons are co-eternal and co-equal, representing different aspects of the same God.

On the other hand, Judaism does not believe in the Trinity. In Judaism, God is singular and indivisible, with no plurality of persons or aspects. The concept of a Trinity is seen as incompatible with the Jewish understanding of monotheism, which emphasizes the oneness and unity of God.

To ascertain the beliefs of different religious traditions, it is important to consult their respective scriptures and teachings. For Christianity, the primary sources are the Bible and theological writings. In Judaism, the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible), alongside other texts like the Talmud and the writings of Jewish scholars, serve as the foundation of their beliefs.