a recipe calls for 2/3 cup of sugar for every 2 teaspoons of vanilla. what is the unit rate in teaspoons?

1 tsp vanilla to 1/3 cup of sugar

To find the unit rate in teaspoons, we need to determine how many teaspoons of sugar are required for 1 teaspoon of vanilla.

Given that the recipe calls for 2/3 cup of sugar for every 2 teaspoons of vanilla, we can set up a proportion:

(2/3 cup sugar) / (2 teaspoons vanilla) = (x teaspoons sugar) / (1 teaspoon vanilla)

To solve this proportion, we cross-multiply:

(2/3) * 1 = (2/3) * x

2/3 = 2x/3

Next, we can cancel out the common factor of 2/3:

1 = x/3

To isolate x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 3:

3 * 1 = 3 * (x/3)

3 = x

Therefore, the unit rate of teaspoons of sugar to teaspoons of vanilla is 3 teaspoons of sugar for every 1 teaspoon of vanilla.