Match Siddhartha's actions that led him to the Middle Way.

life of suffering
life given to pleasures

life with religious ascetics
life as Hindu prince
meditating under Bodhi Tree

Jiskha Is better than brainly because jiskha doesn't says skip and it shows ads and brainly when you click SKIP it shows ADS and I prefer JISKHA yeah who's with me all of the students counts except for ms. sue im sorry ms. sue but students only counts not teachers. WHO EVER LIKE JISKHA JUST PUT THUMBS UP OK YEAH!

some times jiskha can be better than brainly


life with religious ascetics > Life of suffering

life as Hindu prince > Enlightenment
meditating under Bodhi Tree > Life given to pleasures.

I'll come back and make sure its right.


jishka is wayyyyy better than brainly b/c when u visit the site and want the answer to branly you have to watch ads and on jishka id dont to that and brainly is just a waste of time WHOS WITH ME

Guys Mrs. Sue isn't trying to help you cheat. She wants to guide you to the answer but not tell you it.

Don't be mean she's just trying to help you figure out the awnsers instead of just telling you.

so... whats the answers