Complete the verbs below by adding the correct ending. Use the conjugation chart in the lesson for your reference. See the example.

(Yo cant-o_ ) > example

Ella bail-a_

Tú cant-_

Nosotros cant-_

Ellos bail -_

Usted cant-_

Él cant-_

Yo bail-_

yo hablo I speak

tú hablas you (informal) speak
usted habla you (formal) speak
él habla he speaks
ella habla she speaks
nosotros hablamos we (masculine, masculine/feminine) speak
nosotras hablamos we (fem.) speak
vosotros habláis you (plural, masculine, masculine/feminine) speak
vosotras habláis you (plural, feminine) speak
ustedes hablan you (plural, formal) speak
ellos hablan they (masculine, masculine/feminine) speak
ellas hablan they (feminine) speak

i dont see how this helps @ms.sue

To complete the verbs by adding the correct ending, we need to refer to the conjugation chart in the lesson. Let's go through each verb:

Ella baila: To find the correct ending, we look at the chart for the third person singular (él, ella) which shows that the ending is "-a."

Tú cantas: For the second person singular (tú), the ending is "-as."

Nosotros cantamos: We can see from the chart that the ending for the first person plural (nosotros) is "-amos."

Ellos bailan: The third person plural (ellos) ending can be found in the chart as "-an."

Usted canta: The formal second person singular (usted) ending is also "-a."

Él canta: The third person singular (él) ending, as mentioned before, is "-a."

Yo bailo: The first person singular (yo) ending is "-o," as per the example given.

So, the completed verbs are:

Ella baila
Tú cantas
Nosotros cantamos
Ellos bailan
Usted canta
Él canta
Yo bailo

Use the conjugation chart in the lesson for your reference.

Now you need to use the assigned verbs (not hablar).