Identify which characteristics were associated with Egyptian gods. (Select all that apply)

A: Deities were only male.

B: Deities controlled all aspects of life.

C: Deities could be either kind or hostile toward humans.

D: Pharaoh was a god himself.

E: Deities were indifferent toward humans.

I think D and B.

D is not right. Pharaohs only became gods after they died.

B is right. There is also one other correct answer.

To identify which characteristics were associated with Egyptian gods, let's analyze each statement one by one:

A: Deities were only male - This statement is not entirely accurate. While many Egyptian gods were indeed depicted as male, there were also female deities in Egyptian mythology, such as Isis, Bastet, and Hathor. So, this statement is not applicable.

B: Deities controlled all aspects of life - This statement is generally true. Egyptian gods were believed to have influence and control over various aspects of life, including natural forces, fertility, agriculture, and protection. So, this statement is correct.

C: Deities could be either kind or hostile toward humans - This statement is also accurate. Egyptian gods were believed to have a range of attitudes towards humans. Some gods were benevolent and protective, while others could be hostile, demanding sacrifices or causing harm. So, this statement is correct.

D: Pharaoh was a god himself - This statement is partially accurate. While the Pharaoh was not considered a god in the same sense as the deities, they were seen as divinely appointed and seen as a human manifestation of certain gods, such as Horus or Amun-Ra. So, this statement is partially correct.

E: Deities were indifferent toward humans - This statement is not accurate. Egyptian gods were believed to have an active role in the lives of humans. They were invoked through prayers, rituals, and offerings, and it was believed that they could intervene in human affairs. So, this statement is not applicable.

Based on this analysis, the correct statements regarding the characteristics associated with Egyptian gods are B and C.