Which document enumerates the limitations of the federal government and the personal freedoms of United States citizens?

Declaration of Independence
Bill of Rights
Articles of Confederation
Albany Plan of Union


Yes, B.

Yes, the correct answer is B) Bill of Rights.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the other options and focus on the specific document that outlines the limitations of the federal government and the personal freedoms of United States citizens.

The Declaration of Independence (A) is a seminal document that outlined the reasons for the American colonies' break from Great Britain, but it does not enumerate specific limitations on the federal government or personal freedoms.

The Articles of Confederation (C) were the first governing document of the United States, but they primarily focused on issues such as state sovereignty, representation, and the structure of the central government. While it established a limited federal government, it did not provide a detailed enumeration of individual rights and freedoms.

The Albany Plan of Union (D) was a proposal made during the colonial period by Benjamin Franklin to create a unified government for the Thirteen Colonies, but it was not ratified and did not become law. It also did not address the specific limitations of the federal government or personal freedoms.

This leaves us with option B, the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is composed of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. It was added to the Constitution in 1791 to address the concerns of those who feared that the original document did not provide enough safeguards for individual liberties. The Bill of Rights outlines specific personal freedoms and rights that are protected from government infringement.

Therefore, the Bill of Rights is the document that enumerates the limitations of the federal government and the personal freedoms of United States citizens.

No, the correct answer is B) Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution and it enumerates the personal freedoms of United States citizens as well as limits on the federal government's power.