____________________ contributed to the growth and prosperity of Texas, and helped make the United States a leading oil producer in the world.


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what was the answer

The correct answer is (C) Spindletop.

To understand why Spindletop contributed to the growth and prosperity of Texas and made the United States a leading oil producer in the world, it's important to know what Spindletop is. Spindletop is an oil field located near Beaumont, Texas. It was discovered in 1901 and is known for being a significant turning point in the history of the oil industry.

Before Spindletop's discovery, the United States was not a major oil-producing nation. Most oil production was happening in other parts of the world, such as Russia and the Middle East. However, the discovery of oil at Spindletop changed everything.

Spindletop turned out to be one of the largest oil fields in the world at that time. The discovery well, known as the Lucas Gusher, blew out oil and gas at a tremendous rate, reaching heights of approximately 150 feet in the air. This event marked the beginning of the modern oil industry.

The production from Spindletop brought a flood of oil companies, investors, and workers to Texas. This influx of people and resources led to the rapid growth and prosperity of the state. The oil industry created numerous job opportunities, attracted capital investment, and stimulated economic development.

Moreover, the success of Spindletop prompted more exploration and drilling in Texas and other parts of the United States. As a result, the country became a leading oil producer globally. Texas, in particular, became known as the "Oil Capital of the World."

In summary, while agriculture, explorers, and climate are all important factors in Texas's growth and prosperity, it was the discovery of the Spindletop oil field that had the most significant impact on the state's development and the United States' emergence as a leading oil producer.