During a controlled experiment where you purposely change the temperature of the air in a room and you are measuring the effects on plant growth, what is the dependent variable?

I am confused on this.
Is the dependent variable plant growth or is the dependent variable called a manipulated variable?

An independent variable is the potential stimulus or cause, usually directly manipulated by the experimenter, so it could also be called a manipulative variable.

A dependent variable is the response or measure of results.

In a controlled experiment where you intentionally change the temperature of the air in a room and measure its effects on plant growth, the dependent variable is indeed the plant growth.

The dependent variable is what you are measuring or observing as a result of making changes to the independent variable. In this case, the independent variable is the temperature of the air in the room, as it is intentionally being manipulated or changed.

By altering the temperature and monitoring the subsequent changes in plant growth, you can determine how temperature affects the plants. So, plant growth is the variable that is dependent on the manipulated variable of temperature.