I need some help with this question from a science quiz.

Using an example, explain how being able to understand scientific principles and think scientifically can help you solve problems and answer questions in your everyday life.

An experiment that uses sound scientific principles includes the important step of scientists communicating ideas an experimental results. Provide two examples of how scientists communicate ideas and experimental results.

I don't understand, can I get a link or some help with this??



Honestly I'm doing the test rn but for the other written response I just looked it up and then re wrote it in my own words. But I honestly cant find a answer for this one so yes honestly we are screwed 😪😪😪😪🤞😂😂🤣

We all are so screwed

To communicate the results, scientists have to either publish the results in approved scientific journals or present their work in a scientific conference through poster or power-point presentations.

my name says it all

yall journals and talking email like its not that hard take to seconds to think ur suposed to learn not look for the answer

what ill hep you I don't understand what you are saying.

Honestly, I have no idea. I've seen this question in many sites and genuinely get confused everytime. What exactly are the scientific principles mentioned in your course?

I'm so confused on what to type for the question...


yall are so freakin mean sksk

You're an idIoT M figure it out yOuRsElf