completa con la palabra apropiada

1. Yo me lavo ____ cara y ____ manos.
2. Ellos se ponen ____ suéter.
3. Ella se cepilla ____ dientes.
4. ¿Te lavas ___ pelo todos los días?

What do you think the answers are?

1. Yo me lavo la cara y las manos.

To complete this sentence, you need to know the appropriate articles (i.e., "la" and "las") to use for the words "cara" (face) and "manos" (hands). In Spanish, we use articles to specify the gender and number of the noun. In this case, "cara" is singular feminine, so we use "la," and "manos" is plural feminine, so we use "las."

2. Ellos se ponen un suéter.
To complete this sentence, you need to know the appropriate article (i.e., "un") to use for the word "suéter" (sweater). In Spanish, we use the indefinite article "un" for singular masculine nouns.

3. Ella se cepilla los dientes.
To complete this sentence, you need to know the appropriate article (i.e., "los") to use for the word "dientes" (teeth). In Spanish, we use the definite article "los" for plural masculine nouns.

4. ¿Te lavas el pelo todos los días?
To complete this sentence, you need to know the appropriate article (i.e., "el") to use for the word "pelo" (hair). In Spanish, we use the definite article "el" for singular masculine nouns.
