What impact did industrialization have on imperialism?

Developing European nations needed to conquer foreign territory to compete with industrialized nations.
Increased production led to a surplus in manufactured goods and a need for more customers.
An increase in production led to the need for new land to build factories in foreign territories.
Competing European countries believed that conquering other territories would provide them with more citizens to tax.


the answer for this question is B

The answer is B, I just took the test. My option said, "Increased production led to greater demands for raw materials and a need for new markets."

A is wrong

Yes, the correct answer is D. Competing European countries believed that conquering other territories would provide them with more citizens to tax.

This is because industrialization resulted in an increased demand for resources, markets, and raw materials to sustain and expand the growing industries in European countries. The desire for these resources and markets fueled the scramble for colonies and imperialism, as European nations believed that acquiring territories would provide them with access to these valuable resources and markets. Additionally, controlling overseas territories allowed European powers to establish colonies where they could exploit local populations for labor and resources, further fueling their own economic growth.

I do not think so but check your text.

nope wrong

No. Now check your text, but do not post this question again.