A space probe has two engines. Each generates the same amount of force when fired, and the directions of these forces can be independently adjusted. When the engines are fired simultaneously and each applies its force in the same direction, the probe, starting from rest, takes 28 s to travel a certain distance. How long does it take to travel the same distance, again starting from rest, if the engines are fired simultaneously and the forces that they apply to the probe are perpendicular?

that would depend on the direction of the resultant.

To determine how long it takes for the space probe to travel the same distance, starting from rest, with perpendicular forces applied by the engines, we can use the concept of vector addition.

Given that the engines are fired simultaneously, and each engine generates the same amount of force when fired, let's assume the force generated by each engine to be F.

In the first scenario, where the engines apply their forces in the same direction, the net force acting on the probe is the vector sum of the forces of the two engines, which is equal to 2F. This net force causes acceleration on the probe, resulting in its motion.

Using Newton's second law, F = ma, where F is the net force, m is the mass of the probe, and a is the acceleration.

In this case, the probe starts from rest, so its initial velocity (u) is 0. The distance traveled (s) is not given, so we'll use variables to represent them for now.

Applying the kinematic equation, s = ut + (1/2)at^2, where t is the time taken, we get:

s = 0 * t + (1/2) * a * t^2
s = (1/2) * a * t^2 ---(Eq. 1)

Since the net force acting on the probe is 2F, the acceleration (a) can be calculated using F = ma:

2F = m * a
a = (2F) / m ---(Eq. 2)

Now, let's consider the second scenario, where the engines apply forces perpendicular to each other. In this case, the forces cannot be added directly, as they act on different axes. To find the net force acting on the probe, we can use the Pythagorean theorem.

According to the Pythagorean theorem, for two perpendicular vectors A and B, the magnitude of the resultant vector C formed by their addition is given by:

|C| = sqrt(|A|^2 + |B|^2)

Since the forces applied by each engine are equal (F), the magnitude of each force is F.

Let's label the forces from each engine as F1 and F2. The magnitude of the resultant force acting on the probe is the vector sum of these forces:

|C| = sqrt(|F1|^2 + |F2|^2)
|C| = sqrt(|F|^2 + |F|^2)
|C| = sqrt(2F^2)
|C| = sqrt(2)F

Now, we can determine the acceleration in this scenario using F = ma:

sqrt(2)F = m * a
a = (sqrt(2)F) / m ---(Eq. 3)

Again, using the kinematic equation, s = ut + (1/2)at^2, we can find the time taken (t) to travel the distance in this scenario:

s = 0 * t + (1/2) * a * t^2
s = (1/2) * a * t^2

We can substitute the value of acceleration (a) from Eq. 3 into the above equation:

s = (1/2) * ((sqrt(2)F) / m) * t^2
s = (sqrt(2)F / 2m) * t^2
s = (sqrt(2)F / 2m) * t^2 ---(Eq. 4)

Now, we can compare the equations for the two scenarios.

From Eq. 1, we have:
s = (1/2) * a * t^2

From Eq. 4, we have:
s = (sqrt(2)F / 2m) * t^2

Comparing the equations, we see that the time taken (t) is the same in both scenarios because they both have the same expression for distance (s) as a function of time (t).

Hence, it takes 28 seconds to travel the same distance, starting from rest, regardless of whether the engines are fired simultaneously and each applies its force in the same direction or if the forces they apply to the probe are perpendicular.