Jerry writes the expression 8(b-1) +10 for the number of tulips in each border,wherein b is the border number and b is more or equal to 1

seems legit ...

Thanks for the information. Do you have a question?

To understand the expression 8(b-1) + 10 and how it relates to the number of tulips in each border, let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the variable b, which represents the border number. The condition states that b must be greater than or equal to 1.
- For example, if b = 1, it represents the first border; if b = 2, it represents the second border, and so on.

2. Subtract 1 from b: (b - 1).
- This step is done to adjust the border number based on the condition. By subtracting 1, we ensure that the first border (b = 1) will have 0 deducted, resulting in 0. For subsequent borders, such as b = 2, b - 1 = 2 - 1 = 1, and so on.

3. Multiply the result of step 2 by 8: 8(b - 1).
- This step scales the adjustment made in step 2. By multiplying by 8, we ensure that each subsequent border (after the first) will have 8 more tulips than the previous border.

4. Add 10 to the result of step 3: 8(b - 1) + 10.
- Finally, this step adds the constant 10 to the scaled adjustment. It ensures that each border, regardless of its number, will have an additional 10 tulips compared to the number calculated in step 3.

In summary, the expression 8(b - 1) + 10 calculates the number of tulips in each border. The adjustment (b - 1) scales the number of tulips by a factor of 8 for each border after the first, and the constant 10 ensures that each border has an additional 10 tulips.

For example, if we plug in b = 1:
8(1 - 1) + 10 = 0 + 10 = 10.
This tells us that the first border will have 10 tulips.

If we plug in b = 2:
8(2 - 1) + 10 = 8 + 10 = 18.
This tells us that the second border will have 18 tulips.

And so on for each subsequent border.