What kind of designs are on the bills and on the coins of euros?


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The designs on the bills and coins of euros vary depending on their denomination.

1. Euro Bills:
- €5: The €5 bill features an architectural motif from the Classical era, symbolizing the artistic and cultural achievements of Europe.
- €10: The €10 bill showcases Romanesque architecture, embodying Europe's architectural heritage.
- €20: The €20 bill depicts Gothic architecture, representing the age of artistic and intellectual innovative thinking.
- €50: The €50 bill illustrates Renaissance art, symbolizing Europe's artistic achievements.
- €100: The €100 bill showcases the Baroque and Rococo cultural styles, symbolizing Europe's intellectual elegance.
- €200: The €200 bill features the iron and glass architecture of the 19th century, representing Europe's industrial and technological advancements.
- €500: The €500 bill depicts modern architecture from the 20th century, symbolizing Europe's modernity and innovation. (Note: The €500 bill is no longer issued but remains legal tender.)

2. Euro Coins:
- 1 cent to 2 euro coins: These coins share common designs on the obverse (front side) across all countries of the Eurozone. The common design displays the denomination with a map of Europe.
- Additionally, each country has its own unique designs on the reverse (back side) of the coins, showcasing national symbols, historical figures, or significant cultural elements.

To view the specific designs of euro bills and coins, you can easily find images online by searching for "euro bill designs" or "euro coin designs." Additionally, visiting the official website of the European Central Bank (ECB) or the national central bank of any Eurozone country will provide detailed information on the designs of euro currency.