Find each sum or difference.

1. -1/2+1/3

2. -3 1/5+(-6 1/2)
A.-3 2/7**
B.-3 7/10
C.-9 2/7
D.-9 7/10


A.-1 3/10
B.-1 1/10

5.6 3/5-(-2 1/5)
A.-8 2/5
B.-4 2/5
C.4 2/5
D.8 4/5**

Thank you, for the help I REALLY need it.

you need practice ... 3 and 5 are correct

1. B - no

2. A - no
3. D - yes
4. C - no
5. D - yes

When I do it the answers I get aren't on the paper

Can you help me with two three and five then?


What answers do you get?

1. -1/4

2. -3 2/8
4. -7/11

1. -1/2+1/3

Change to equivalent fractions with the same denominator.
-3/6 + 2/6 = - 1/6

-3 1/5+(-6 1/2)
-3 2/10 + (- 6 5/10) = - 9 7/10

Now, try # 4,

Is the answer -1 3/10?


To find each sum or difference, you need to add or subtract fractions or mixed numbers. Let's go through each question:

1. -1/2 + 1/3:
To add these fractions, you need a common denominator, which is 6. Convert -1/2 to -3/6. Then, add the fractions: -3/6 + 1/6 = -2/6 = -1/3. The correct answer is B. -1/3.

2. -3 1/5 + (-6 1/2):
To add mixed numbers, you first need to convert them to improper fractions. -3 1/5 is equivalent to -16/5, and -6 1/2 is equal to -13/2. Find a common denominator, which in this case is 10. Then, add the fractions: -16/5 + (-13/2) = -32/10 + (-65/10) = -97/10. Convert the improper fraction back to a mixed number: -97/10 = -9 7/10. The correct answer is D. -9 7/10.

3. 5/8 - (-2/8):
To subtract fractions, you need to change the sign of the second fraction and then add. In this case, changing -2/8 to +2/8 is the same as adding. Then, add the fractions: 5/8 + 2/8 = 7/8. The correct answer is D. 7/8.

4. -9/10 - 2/5:
To subtract fractions, you need a common denominator, which in this case is 10. Convert -9/10 to -9/10 and 2/5 to 4/10. Then, subtract the fractions: -9/10 - 4/10 = -13/10. Convert the improper fraction back to a mixed number: -13/10 = -1 3/10. The correct answer is C. -1 3/10.

5. 6 3/5 - (-2 1/5):
To subtract mixed numbers, you first need to convert them to improper fractions. 6 3/5 is equivalent to 33/5, and -2 1/5 is equal to -11/5. Find a common denominator, which in this case is 5. Then, subtract the fractions: 33/5 - (-11/5) = 33/5 + 11/5 = 44/5. Convert the improper fraction back to a mixed number: 44/5 = 8 4/5. The correct answer is D. 8 4/5.

Hope this helps!