9 times 126

9 * 126 =


To calculate 9 times 126, you simply need to multiply these two numbers together. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Start by multiplying the units digit of 9 (which is 9) by the units digit of 126 (which is 6). This gives you 54.

Step 2: Write down the rightmost digit of the result (4) and carry over the tens digit (5).

Step 3: Multiply the tens digit of 9 (which is 0, as there is no tens digit) by the units digit of 126 (which is 6). This gives you 0.

Step 4: Add the carried over tens digit (5) to the result of step 3 (0). This gives you 5.

Step 5: Write down the result of step 4 (5) as the next digit on the left.

So far, you have 54 and 5. Write it as 54,5.

Step 6: Multiply the units digit of 9 (which is 9) by the tens digit of 126 (which is 2). This gives you 18.

Step 7: Write down the rightmost digit of the result (8), and carry over the tens digit (1).

Step 8: Multiply the tens digit of 9 (which is 0) by the tens digit of 126 (which is 2). This gives you 0.

Step 9: Add the carried over tens digit (1) to the result of step 8 (0). This gives you 1.

Step 10: Write down the result of step 9 (1) as the next digit on the left.

Your final answer is 1,854.

So, 9 times 126 is equal to 1,854.