in which sentence is the underlined word the simple predicate?

A. According to legend, THERE is buried treasure nearby.
B. People with metal detectors SEARCH for it every weekend.
C. So far, no treasure has BEEN found.
D. Most treasure seekers leave here DISAPPOINTED

I think it is either A or C. I’m not sure which

1. C* or in the summer,...

2. C* or The rain came...
3. B* or People with metal detectors...
4. D* or Sparkled
5. B* or part of a compound predicate
6. A* or part of a compound subject
7. C* or a direct object

B. people with metal detectors (search) for it every weekend.


is right, thx

Latayvia is right :3

latatyvia is correcttt

ahh thank you sm Latayvia i neglected my work today and only have like 5 mins to finish 3 lessons

tysm latayvia!

YAY vuerichdio thank you


thank you all for the help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is was a blessing!!!!!!!

Meow is right.

“Simple predicate” just means the sentence’s main verb.

Latayvia is 100% right (connex)