Shawna works in a department that follows a hierarchical structure; what advantages will she most likely experience?

increased patient and employee satisfaction
decreased patient stay and increased efficiency
clearly defined roles and a clear path for advancement
all of the above

I would go with C.

To determine the advantages that Shawna will most likely experience in a department that follows a hierarchical structure, let's break down the given options:

1. Increased patient and employee satisfaction: While a hierarchical structure may provide a more organized and structured environment, which could potentially contribute to increased satisfaction, it is not a direct advantage of this structure. Other factors, such as teamwork, communication, and leadership, also play key roles in fostering satisfaction.

2. Decreased patient stay and increased efficiency: A hierarchical structure can potentially contribute to increased efficiency by defining clear roles and responsibilities, establishing reporting lines, and facilitating decision-making processes. This, in turn, may help reduce patient stay and improve overall efficiency within the department.

3. Clearly defined roles and a clear path for advancement: One of the main advantages of a hierarchical structure is that it provides clearly defined roles and reporting relationships. Employees like Shawna would know their roles and responsibilities, as well as the lines of authority and accountability. Additionally, hierarchical structures often offer a clear path for career advancement based on the hierarchy levels, where individuals can move up through promotion or designation changes.

Given these explanations, the correct answer is "C) Clearly defined roles and a clear path for advancement."