which of the following statements best summarizes the american indians of texas

A.all descended from the Pueblo group and continued their lifestyle.
B.they hunted buffalo and lived in teepees.
C.they practiced peaceful relations to each other.
D.a wide variety of groups and cultures existed.

I think the answer is c I need help ASAP

Okay thank you very much

whats the answer to all of it

To determine the correct answer, we need to analyze the options.

A) This statement is incorrect. Not all American Indians in Texas were descended from the Pueblo group. The Pueblo people were primarily found in the southwestern United States, not in Texas.

B) This statement is also incorrect. While some American Indian groups in Texas did hunt buffalo, not all of them did. Additionally, not all of them lived in teepees. Different tribes had different hunting techniques and lived in various types of dwellings based on their specific cultural practices.

C) This statement is incorrect. While it is possible that some American Indian groups in Texas practiced peaceful relations with each other, it is not an accurate summary of all the American Indians in the region. Like any diverse group of people, there would have been various relationships and interactions among different tribes and bands.

D) This statement is the best choice and summarizes the American Indians of Texas accurately. There were indeed a wide variety of groups and cultures that existed within the indigenous populations of Texas. Different tribes had unique languages, customs, and traditions.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) a wide variety of groups and cultures existed. It is important to note that American Indian history is rich and varied, and each tribe and culture has its own unique story.

You are correct the answer is C, but plz dont rush us. It is our job to take our time that way we dont tell you the wrong answer.