how would you compare and contrast the Virginia and New Jersey Plans.

The question your teacher wants answered is how would YOU respond to this question.

To compare and contrast the Virginia and New Jersey Plans, you need to understand what these plans were and how they contributed to the formation of the United States Constitution. Here's how you can do that:

1. Research the Virginia Plan: The Virginia Plan was proposed by James Madison and Edmund Randolph in May 1787. It called for a strong central government divided into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. It proposed a bicameral legislature, with representation in both chambers based on population. To understand this plan in detail, you can read the text of the Virginia Plan or consult reputable sources like books, articles, or educational websites.

2. Research the New Jersey Plan: The New Jersey Plan was put forward by William Paterson in response to the Virginia Plan. It advocated for a more decentralized government, giving more power to the states. The New Jersey Plan proposed a unicameral legislature, where each state would have equal representation, regardless of its population. To better understand this plan, you can explore its text or refer to trusted sources that explain its contents.

3. Identify similarities: Compare the two plans to find any areas of overlap. For example, both plans proposed a national government with separate branches and a legislative body. Both plans also recognized the need for a strong federal government, although they differed in their approaches. Write down a list of similarities for reference.

4. Identify differences: Now, focus on the differences between the Virginia and New Jersey Plans. One significant difference is the method of representation in the legislature. Virginia Plan favored proportional representation based on population, while the New Jersey Plan advocated for equal representation for all states. Record a list of differences for comparison.

5. Analyze and contrast: Look at the similarities and differences you have identified and consider their implications. How do these plans reflect different concerns and interests? What impact might they have had on the development of the Constitution? Use the information you have gathered and your critical thinking skills to form a comparative analysis.

By following these steps, you can understand the Virginia and New Jersey Plans and effectively compare and contrast them, which will give you a comprehensive understanding of the debates and compromises during the Constitutional Convention.