Was the central government able to accomplish much under the articles of confederation?

No, limited functions of federal gov.
Is this correct ? Are federal gov and central gov pretty much the same thing?

Yes, you're right.

The statement that the central government under the Articles of Confederation had limited functions is correct. The federal government, which is also known as the central government, refers to the national government that is responsible for governing the entire country.

Under the Articles of Confederation, the central government lacked the necessary powers and authority to effectively govern the newly formed United States. It had limited powers to raise revenue, regulate trade, enforce laws, and resolve conflicts between states. This weakness resulted in a weak and ineffective central government that struggled to accomplish much during that time.

However, it is important to clarify that the terms "federal government" and "central government" are generally used interchangeably, especially in the context of the United States. Both terms refer to the national level of government that surpasses the authority of state or regional governments.