why are fruit crops grown in mountain valley ? ( pakistan)

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Fruit crops are grown in mountain valleys in Pakistan for several reasons:

1. Climate: Mountain valleys often have a unique microclimate that is favorable for fruit crops. The altitude and terrain of these areas can provide cooler temperatures and moderate rainfall, which are beneficial for fruit tree growth and fruit production.

2. Sunlight: Mountain valleys are typically surrounded by high mountains, which can create a natural sun trap. This means that fruit crops in these valleys receive ample sunlight, crucial for photosynthesis and fruit ripening.

3. Soil fertility: Mountain valleys often have fertile soil due to the accumulation of organic matter from the surrounding mountains. The weathering of rocks and debris from higher elevations also enriches the soil with minerals, creating suitable growing conditions for fruit crops.

4. Water availability: Many mountain valleys have rivers or streams flowing through them, providing a reliable water source for irrigation. The melting of snow from the surrounding mountains also contributes to the water supply, ensuring adequate moisture for the fruit crops.

5. Pest control: The isolation of mountain valleys can help to limit the spread of pests and diseases that could harm fruit crops. Additionally, the cooler temperatures and higher altitude can create less favorable conditions for certain pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

To gather more specific information about fruit crops grown in mountain valleys in Pakistan, you can consult agricultural research reports, contact local agricultural extension offices, or reach out to farmers or experts in the area.
