In "Girls Can We Educate We Dads?", the writer uses dialect for all of the following reasons except to a. create a sense of rhythm b. emphasize the speaker's voice c. emphasize the speaker's viewpoint d. illustrate the theme of defiance**

10th Grade Lit & Comp A, Unit 2: The Literature of the Americas II

Lesson 3: Girls Can We Educate We Dads? and In Trying Times
1. D. Illustrate the theme of defiance
2. B. Accentuate her father's traditional views of females, C. Show frustration with society's treatment of women
3. D. Governmental Oppression
4. C. The desire for independence
5. D. Is one of the northwestern states
6. B. Brought

Thanks Skel

100% Skel

1. D

2. B and C
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. B

still de right :D skel

Skel is indeed correct. 🦋

You're welcome.

my mans skel is right thank you my guy

skel is still right as of today

Also why is this site, that is mainly used by school kids, giving me an ad for an 18+ comic?

Skel's answers are correct for connexus "English 10A unit 2 lesson 3"

Thank you

Seriously? Those answers didn't even answer the question!

@alax everyone gets those ads. It’s from toptoon, right?

I haven't read this work, but if you KNOW that a, b, and c are reasons for using dialect in the story, then you'll know you're correct.

PS -- Ask yourself ~~> Is there actually a theme of "defiance" in this story?

Skell is wrong answers are 10th Grade Lit & Comp A, Unit 2: The Literature of the Americas II

Lesson 3: Girls Can We Educate We Dads? and In Trying Times
1. D. Illustrate the theme of defiance
2. B. Accentuate her father's traditional views of females, C. Show frustration with society's treatment of women
3. D. Governmental Oppression
4. C. The desire for independence
5. D. Is one of the northwestern states
6. B. Brought

ps: i stole my answers from skell, he right lol XD 😅👉🏿👈👉🏾👈🏻👉🏽👈🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼