What factors contributed to the writing of the English Bill of Rights?

William and Mary led an inquisition, killing hundreds of Catholics in England.

William and Mary led an inquisition, killing hundreds of Protestants in England.

James II was a Protestant who was strictly imposing his religion on England.

James II was a Catholic who was strictly imposing his religion on England.

I think it is c...

Ms sue can be such a prick fr

its D

the only other i would guess would be A...

You are correct! The factors that contributed to the writing of the English Bill of Rights include the religious tensions during the reign of King James II. James II was indeed a Catholic who attempted to impose his religion on England, which led to a backlash from the Protestant majority. To protect their rights and assert more control over the monarchy, Protestant leaders William and Mary led an opposition movement and eventually overthrew James II in a bloodless revolution in 1688. As a result, the English Bill of Rights was drafted to ensure that the rights of individuals and the powers of the monarchy were clearly defined and limited.


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