What are the building blocks of minerals?

A. Rocks
B. Elements
C. Isotopes
D. Electrons

I believe the answer is A.

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The correct answer is B. Elements.

To determine the building blocks of minerals, we need to understand the basic composition of minerals. Minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic substances that have a definite chemical composition and a specific crystal structure. They are made up of various chemical elements that combine in specific proportions to form a unique mineral.

Rocks, as mentioned in option A, are not the building blocks of minerals but rather a combination of minerals. Rocks are made up of one or more minerals or mineraloids, along with other materials such as organic matter or volcanic glass.

Isotopes, as mentioned in option C, are variations of an element that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. While isotopes are important in various scientific disciplines, they are not the actual building blocks of minerals.

Electrons, as mentioned in option D, are particles that orbit the atomic nucleus and have a negative charge. While electrons are crucial components of atoms and play a role in the formation of chemical bonds, they are not the building blocks of minerals in and of themselves.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Elements, as they are the fundamental constituents that combine to form minerals.