Which one of the following statements is true for micromachining?

For Si micromachining alkaline etchants produce isotropic features
Xenon fluoride (dry etch of Si) produces an isotropic feature after etching
BrF3 (dry etch of Si) produces anisotropic feature after etching
All of these



anyone on here??

All of these

To determine which one of the statements is true, we need to understand what micromachining is and how different etchants affect the features.

Micromachining is a process used to fabricate small-scale structures or components with high precision. It involves selectively removing or adding material to achieve the desired shape or pattern.

Now, let's analyze each statement:

1. "For Si micromachining alkaline etchants produce isotropic features":
An isotropic etchant removes material uniformly in all directions. If alkaline etchants are used for micromachining silicon (Si), they will produce isotropic features. This means that the etching will occur equally in all directions, resulting in rounded or smooth features.

2. "Xenon fluoride (dry etch of Si) produces an isotropic feature after etching":
Xenon fluoride is typically used as a dry etchant for silicon. Dry etching is a process that involves removing material using plasma or gas-phase chemicals. Xenon fluoride, as a dry etchant for Si, does not produce isotropic features. Dry etching methods like plasma etching or reactive ion etching often result in anisotropic features, where the etching occurs primarily in a specific direction(s) and produces angular or sharp features.

3. "BrF3 (dry etch of Si) produces anisotropic feature after etching":
Bromine trifluoride (BrF3) is another type of dry etchant used for silicon. Just like xenon fluoride, BrF3 as a dry etchant produces anisotropic features. This means that the etching occurs primarily in specific directions, resulting in angular or sharp features.

Based on the explanations provided, statement 1 is true while statements 2 and 3 are false. Therefore, the correct answer is that only the following statement is true for micromachining: "For Si micromachining alkaline etchants produce isotropic features."

All of these