Determine whether x is positive or negative in the following equation:


test for a negative:

let x = -5
Left side = -5 - |-5
= -5-5 = -10
≠ RS

test for x = 0,

test for postive x
let x = 5
LS = 5 - |5| = 0 = RS

so x ≥ 0

Recall the definition of |x|:

|x| = x if x >= 0
|x| = -x if x < 0

Now, your equation is

x = |x|
so, x >= 0

To determine whether x is positive or negative in the equation x - |x| = 0, you need to analyze two cases: when x is positive and when x is negative.

First, let's assume x is positive:
If x is positive, then |x| will also be positive, since the absolute value of any positive number is positive. Therefore, x - |x| will be positive minus a positive, resulting in a positive value. In this case, x cannot be the solution to the equation x - |x| = 0.

Now, let's assume x is negative:
If x is negative, then |x| will be equal to the positive value of x, since the absolute value of any negative number is its positive equivalent. Therefore, x - |x| can be calculated as x - (-x), which simplifies to x + x, or 2x. In this case, the equation becomes 2x = 0. To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 2:
2x/2 = 0/2
x = 0
Hence, x = 0 is the solution to the equation x - |x| = 0 when x is negative.

Therefore, x can be either positive (no solution) or zero (when x is negative).