What is the tone of the following lines in "At the Tourisy Centre in Boston"?

I seem to remember people,
at least in the cities, also slush,
machines and assorted garbage.
Perhaps that was my private mirage
which will just evaporate
when I go back.
a. embrassed
b. ironic ***
c. solemn
d. accusing

In order to determine the tone of these lines from the poem "At the Tourist Centre in Boston," it is helpful to read the lines closely and consider the context. The speaker mentions memories of people, slush, machines, assorted garbage, and a private mirage.

To identify the tone, we can look for cues such as the language used, the speaker's attitude, and the overall feeling conveyed.

In this case, the tone of the lines can be described as ironic. The use of phrases like "people, at least in the cities," suggests a contrast or juxtaposition between the idealized perception of the tourists and the speaker's own experience or memories. The mention of slush, machines, and assorted garbage adds to this contrast, implying a less glamorous or elevated reality. The use of the word "mirage" indicates a sense of illusion or falsehood.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. ironic.

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