Decimal number of 343/125 without doing actual division


= 343(1/125)
= 343(8/1000)
= 2744/1000 , easy to multiply by 8
= 2.744

To find the decimal representation of a fraction without performing the actual division, you can use a process called long division. Here's how you can do it for the fraction 343/125:

Step 1: Write down the fraction: 343/125.
Step 2: Start by dividing the numerator (343) by the denominator (125), and write down the whole number part of the result above the division line. In this case, 343 รท 125 = 2, so write down "2" above the division line.
125 | 343
2 (whole number part)

Step 3: Multiply the whole number (2) by the denominator (125) and write the result below the numerator. This result represents the actual division step you would perform, but we are skipping the calculations for now.
125 | 343

Step 4: Subtract the result obtained in step 3 from the numerator (343) and write down the difference below the line. This represents the remainder after dividing 343 by 125.
125 | 343

Step 5: Bring down the next digit of the numerator (in this case, it's the digit "8") and write it next to the difference obtained in step 4.
125 | 343

Step 6: Repeat the process by dividing the new numerator (2188) by the denominator (125). The whole number part is placed above the division line.
125 | 343

Step 7: Continue this process until you either reach a remainder of 0 or notice a recurring pattern in the remainders. In this case, the remainder is 93.
125 | 343

Step 8: The decimal representation of the fraction 343/125 is 2.75. You can stop the process here since there are no more digits to bring down.

To summarize, by using long division, the fraction 343/125 can be converted to the decimal number 2.75.