Which figure of speech does Paz use most frequently in "Two Bodies"?

a. metaphor *** b. simile c. hyperbole d. paradox

A Metaphor

C Simile
A laced
C An Ocean
A Japan
D Because of his insistence....

Thank you new normal.

In the poem "Two Bodies" by Octavio Paz, the figure of speech that Paz uses most frequently is metaphor (option a).

To determine which figure of speech Paz uses most frequently in the poem "Two Bodies," you would need to analyze the text of the poem itself. Here's a step-by-step process to help you find the answer:

1. Obtain a copy of the poem "Two Bodies" by Octavio Paz. You can search for the poem online or refer to an anthology or collection of Paz's works.

2. Read the poem carefully and identify instances where Paz uses figurative language or compares two unrelated things.

3. Pay attention to specific words or phrases that stand out as comparisons or symbolic representations.

4. Categorize each instance of figurative language according to its type. The options given are metaphor, simile, hyperbole, and paradox.

5. Count the total number of occurrences of each type of figure of speech within the poem.

6. Compare the counts to determine which figure of speech Paz uses most frequently in "Two Bodies."

By following these steps, you can analyze the poem and find the most frequently used figure of speech according to Paz's writing in "Two Bodies."