In what ways did New Imperialism negatively impact colonial holdings? (Select all that apply.)

Imperial powers often suppressed local religious beliefs and practices in favor of Christian faiths.
The removal of resources and construction of railroads often led to deforestation.
Western medicines led to the introduction of vaccines that decreased the occurrence of diseases.
Natives were often forced to extract natural resources in brutal conditions.
A and B?

I agree with A and B.

one of them are right

It's A, B, and D : )

Yes, you are correct. Options A and B are both ways in which New Imperialism negatively impacted colonial holdings.

A) Imperial powers often suppressed local religious beliefs and practices in favor of Christian faiths. This was done to assert control and dominance over the local population, and to promote the cultural values and beliefs of the colonizers. This suppression of local religious practices undermined the cultural identities of colonized peoples and often led to cultural assimilation.

B) The removal of resources and construction of railroads often led to deforestation. Imperial powers typically exploited the natural resources of their colonies for economic gain. This exploitation often resulted in the destruction of forests and ecosystems, leading to environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity.

Option C mentions that Western medicines led to the introduction of vaccines, which is not a negative impact. Vaccination is generally considered a positive development as it helps to prevent and control the spread of diseases.

Option D states that natives were often forced to extract natural resources in brutal conditions. This is another negative impact of New Imperialism. Colonial powers often forced indigenous peoples to engage in labor-intensive activities, such as mining, with little regard for their well-being or safety. This exploitation of labor contributed to the economic exploitation and suffering of the colonized populations.