How did Europeans use the idea of eugenics to justify colonization and imperialism?

A. Europeans believed they were racially superior and this validated their right to take the land and resources of other cultures.
B. Europeans felt that their military superiority validated their seizure of other cultures’ land and resources.
C. Europeans theorized that their economic superiority justified their claim to foreign resources for technological advancement.
D. Europeans thought that their scientific superiority supported their claim to the world’s natural resources for the advancement of mankind.

Yes, A.

its still correct

people downvote because it ms sue, which hurts the people who just want the answer....

She's doing her job. She's not supposed to just give out the answers. She's just supposed to help. Which she does.

Why can't people understand that? It's nonsense.

Correct! Europeans used the idea of eugenics to justify colonization and imperialism by believing they were racially superior. This belief in their racial superiority validated their right to take the land and resources of other cultures. They argued that they were more advanced and civilized, and therefore had the right to bring their civilization to "lesser" cultures. Eugenics provided a pseudo-scientific justification for their actions, as it promoted the idea of improving the human gene pool through selective breeding and the elimination of "inferior" races. This ideology allowed Europeans to view their colonization efforts as a form of "improvement" for the world and as a way to spread their supposed racial superiority.