15 movie theaters average 600 customers per theater per day. If 6 of the theaters close down but the total theater attendance stays the same, what is the average daily attendance per theater among the remaining theaters?

A. 750
B. 1000
C. 1200
D. 1500

the average will be total-attendance / #-theaters:


C/15 = 600,

C = 9,000 customers, total.
9000/(15-6) = 1000 customers = Average daily attendance per theater.

To answer this question, we need to find the average daily attendance per theater among the remaining theaters after 6 of them close down.

First, let's calculate the total attendance before any theaters close down. We have 15 theaters, and each theater averages 600 customers per day. So, the total attendance is 15 theaters * 600 customers per theater = 9000 customers per day.

Now, let's find the average daily attendance per theater among the remaining theaters. Since 6 theaters have closed down, we have 15 - 6 = 9 theaters remaining.

To find the average attendance per theater, we divide the total attendance by the number of theaters. So, the average daily attendance per theater among the remaining theaters is 9000 customers / 9 theaters = 1000 customers per theater.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B. 1000.