Which was a goal of Samuel Gompers, but not of socialists?

A.improving workers' lives but leaving society's structure alone
B.workers' right to negotiate through collective bargaining
C.safe working conditions in America's factories and mines
D.reorganization of American government to give power to workers
I am stuck between A and C Give me couple of Examples Please!



Oh ok thanks

You're welcome.

To determine which option was a goal of Samuel Gompers but not of socialists, let's analyze each option and provide examples:

A. Improving workers' lives but leaving society's structure alone:
Samuel Gompers, as the founder and first president of the American Federation of Labor (AFL), aimed to improve workers' lives by focusing primarily on labor issues rather than advocating for broad societal changes. He believed in using collective bargaining and strikes to negotiate better wages, working hours, and working conditions for workers, without challenging the existing social structure.

Example: Gompers' AFL successfully fought for higher wages and shorter working hours for its members but did not advocate for significant changes to the capitalist economic system.

B. Workers' right to negotiate through collective bargaining:
Both Samuel Gompers and socialists supported workers' right to negotiate through collective bargaining. This goal was common to both because it aimed to improve the bargaining power of workers in their interactions with employers.

Example: Gompers and socialists both supported strikes and protests as tools for workers to exert pressure on employers to meet their demands.

C. Safe working conditions in America's factories and mines:
Improving safe working conditions was a goal of both Samuel Gompers and socialists. They recognized the need to protect workers' health and safety in hazardous industrial environments.

Example: Gompers and socialists pushed for legislation and regulations that mandated better safety measures, such as the Factory Act of 1904 in the United Kingdom, which imposed safety standards and limited working hours for women and children.

D. Reorganization of American government to give power to workers:
This goal was usually advocated by socialists rather than Samuel Gompers. Socialists promoted the idea of worker control over the means of production and a more radical reorganization of society and government.

Example: Socialist movements around the world aimed to establish worker-controlled government structures, such as the Soviet Union's system of Soviet councils.

Considering the examples and explanations provided, it can be concluded that the goal of improving workers' lives but leaving society's structure alone (A) was more aligned with Samuel Gompers' approach compared to socialists.

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