Which sentence contains an adjective used as a modifier?

A. There are two male puppies in the litter.

B. Brian crunched on pretzels.

C.The cats howled at 3:00 in the morning.

D. Will you be at the park tomorrow?

To identify the sentence that contains an adjective used as a modifier, we need to understand what an adjective and a modifier are. An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun, whereas a modifier is a word or phrase that provides additional information about another word in a sentence.

Let's analyze each sentence:

A. There are two male puppies in the litter.
The word "male" is an adjective modifying the noun "puppies," so this sentence contains an adjective used as a modifier.

B. Brian crunched on pretzels.
This sentence does not contain an adjective used as a modifier. The word "pretzels" is a noun, and "crunched on" is a verb phrase.

C. The cats howled at 3:00 in the morning.
This sentence does not contain an adjective used as a modifier. The words "the," "cats," "howled," and "at" are articles, nouns, verbs, and prepositions, respectively.

D. Will you be at the park tomorrow?
This sentence does not contain an adjective used as a modifier. The words "will," "you," "be," "at," "the," "park," and "tomorrow" are modal verbs, pronouns, verbs, prepositions, articles, nouns, and adverbs, respectively.

Therefore, the sentence that contains an adjective used as a modifier is:
A. There are two male puppies in the litter.

Which sentence has two words describing a noun?