what is 6xy+5xz

Looks like a mathematical expression to me.

a binomial

the two terms are separated by the + sign

The expression 6xy + 5xz is a polynomial expression with two variables, x and y. It consists of three terms: 6xy, 5xz, and there is no constant term.

To simplify or evaluate this expression, you need to know the values of x and y, or if you want to perform algebraic manipulations, you can factor out common terms, combine like terms, or perform other operations.

For example, if you want to factor out the common variable x, you can rewrite the expression as:

x(6y + 5z)

Similarly, if you want to factor out the common variable y, you can rewrite the expression as:

y(6x + 5z)

If you have specific values for x and y, you can substitute those values into the expression and perform the necessary calculations to get the result.

For instance, if x = 2 and y = 3, the expression becomes:

6(2)(3) + 5(2)(3) = 36 + 30 = 66

Therefore, the value of the expression 6xy + 5xz is 66 when x = 2 and y = 3.