What is the product of 225 and 507?

What is the greatest common factor of 15, 30, and 45.
1,232 is what percent of 220?
Estimate: WHat is 78.8% of 700?
I do not this real good

Product means multiply.

The greatest common factor is the largest number that goes into all three numbers without a remainder.

1232x = 220
Solve for x.

To estimate, round 78.8% to 0.8. Multiply: 0.8 * 700
Remember that your answer should be between 500 and 600.

Please try to solve these problems. We'll be glad to check your answers.

check this -64/-8=8

ascending order is this right. -7,-4,-1,12,14.22
Subtract -7-(5.7).=3.9=3.99 is this problem right.


is that right

These are correct.

check this -64/-8=8
ascending order is this right. -7,-4,-1,12,14.22

Subtract -7-(5.7)= -12.7

Write 26% as a fraction =26/100=13/50 is this right.


3. What is the product of 225 and 507?

To find the product of 225 and 507, you simply multiply these two numbers together. So, multiply the digits in the ones place, then the tens place, then the hundreds place, and so on. Start with the rightmost digit (5), multiply it by each digit in the second number (507), and write the result below. Then, move to the next digit (2), multiply it by each digit in the second number, and write that result below. Finally, add up the two results to obtain the product.

To find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 15, 30, and 45, you can use the prime factorization method. Start by finding the prime factorization of each number. Then, identify the common factors among the prime factorizations and multiply them together to get the GCF.

To express 1,232 as a percentage of 220, divide 1,232 by 220 and multiply the result by 100. This will give you the value of 1,232 as a percentage of 220.

To estimate what 78.8% of 700 is, you can multiply 700 by 0.788. This will give you an approximate answer, as it is not necessary to calculate the exact value.

If you need further assistance or if you have any questions, feel free to ask!