Which object is most likely to be about

4cm long?

a textbook
a pair of scissors
a cricket
a new crayon

I suggest you use a ruler with centimeters and measure those objects.

a cricket

what is your name

IT'S 70

I say, a cricket.

To determine which object is most likely to be about 4cm long, we can use our knowledge of typical sizes for each item.

A textbook is generally larger than 4cm, so it is unlikely to be the correct answer.

A pair of scissors can vary in size, but a typical pair of household scissors is usually longer than 4cm. So, it is also unlikely to be the correct answer.

A cricket is an insect and is typically smaller than 4cm. It is possible for a cricket to be around that size, so it is a potential candidate.

A new crayon is often shorter than a pair of scissors and a textbook. However, the exact length can vary depending on the crayon's brand and type. An average crayon is usually around 8cm long, so it is less likely to be the correct answer compared to a cricket.

Therefore, based on the options provided, a cricket is the object most likely to be about 4cm long.