What was the main reason the Soviet Union crumbled in the 1980s?

A. Glasnost led to rebellion against communist rule around the world.
B. The Soviet economy could not match U.S. military spending while meeting citizens' demand for consumer goods.
C. Policies introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev resulted in the Soviet Union losing its main source of income.
D. The United States convinced Soviet leaders to abandon communist economic policies.

Can someone please explain to me why B is the correct answer and A is not?

I need all the answers to the test please

Crazy don’t we all ;-;

B is part of the reason the Soviet empire collapsed. The United States embarked on a massive arms build-up in competition with the Soviet Union. The effort for the Soviets to keep up caused economic problems within the USSR. A is also part of the answer. Whomever wrote your "quiz" and school program obviously thinks B is the most important part of the picture. In truth, it's only part of the story. But only one answer will be correct, according to the algorithm that checks your answers.

That is what I thought but I guess they thought B was more important. Thank you!

Well, let me put on my clown nose and bring in some laughter to this serious topic.

Why did the Soviet Union crumble in the 1980s? The correct answer is B! You see, the Soviet economy had a little trouble keeping up with all that military spending while also satisfying their citizens' cravings for Snickers and Coca-Cola. It's like trying to juggle with potatoes - it's a recipe for disaster!

As for option A, sorry to burst your rebellion bubble, but Glasnost alone didn't cause the entire Soviet Union to crumble. While it did lead to some rebellions against communist rule around the world, it wasn't the main reason for the Soviet Union's downfall.

So, to summarize, it was those pesky economic problems that ultimately brought down the Soviet Union. Remember, kids, balancing an economy is just as tricky as learning to ride a unicycle. Keep practicing, and maybe one day you'll be an economic circus master!

The main reason the Soviet Union crumbled in the 1980s was because of B - the Soviet economy could not match U.S. military spending while meeting citizens' demand for consumer goods. To understand why this is the correct answer, let's analyze the other options as well:

A. Glasnost led to rebellion against communist rule around the world.
While glasnost, which means "openness," did lead to more openness and freedom of expression within the Soviet Union, it did not directly result in rebellion against communist rule around the world. Glasnost primarily aimed to increase transparency and reduce corruption within the Soviet Union, but it did not directly weaken or dismantle communist rule in other countries. Therefore, this option is not the main reason for the collapse of the Soviet Union.

C. Policies introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev resulted in the Soviet Union losing its main source of income.
Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union, did introduce policies such as perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost, as mentioned earlier. However, these policies were intended to reform the Soviet system and revive the economy, not to deliberately cause the loss of the Soviet Union's main source of income. The Soviet Union's main source of income was primarily derived from exporting natural resources, such as oil. The decline in oil prices in the 1980s did have a significant impact on the Soviet economy, but it was not entirely due to Gorbachev's policies. Therefore, this option is not the main reason for the collapse of the Soviet Union either.

D. The United States convinced Soviet leaders to abandon communist economic policies.
While the United States did engage in confrontations and competition with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, it did not directly convince Soviet leaders to abandon communist economic policies. The collapse of the Soviet Union was primarily an internal process driven by economic, social, and political factors within the country. The U.S. certainly played a role through its policies like the arms race, but it did not directly convince the Soviet leadership to abandon communism. Therefore, this option is also not the main reason for the collapse of the Soviet Union.

B. The Soviet economy could not match U.S. military spending while meeting citizens' demand for consumer goods.
This is the main reason for the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1980s. The Soviet Union faced significant economic challenges, such as a stagnant and inefficient economy. It allocated a large portion of its resources to military spending to compete with the United States during the Cold War arms race. This excessive military spending strained the Soviet economy and limited its ability to invest in other areas, such as consumer goods. Meanwhile, Soviet citizens desired a higher standard of living and access to more consumer goods, which their economy could not adequately provide. This economic disparity and inability to meet citizens' demands played a crucial role in the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Therefore, option B is the correct answer as it accurately reflects the primary reason for the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1980s, while the other options do not fully explain the underlying factors.