Base words that have the following suffixes: ment, less, en, able

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enjoy (ment)

pain (less)
gold (en)
reason (able)

Sure! I can help you with that. To find base words that have specific suffixes, we can start by understanding what each suffix means.

1. "-ment": This suffix is used to form nouns and refers to a state, condition, or result of an action. For example, "enjoyment" refers to the state of enjoying something. To find base words with this suffix, we can think of verbs and add "-ment" to them. For instance, "enjoy" becomes "enjoyment."

2. "-less": This suffix is used to form adjectives and means "without" or "lacking." For example, "careless" means "without care." To find base words with this suffix, we can think of adjectives or nouns and add "-less" to them. For instance, "hope" becomes "hopeless."

3. "-en": This suffix is used to form verbs and means "to cause to become" or "to make." For example, "lengthen" means "to make longer." To find base words with this suffix, we can think of adjectives or nouns and add "-en" to them. For instance, "dark" becomes "darken."

4. "-able": This suffix is used to form adjectives and means "capable of" or "able to be." For example, "comfortable" means "able to be comforted." To find base words with this suffix, we can think of verbs and add "-able" to them. For instance, "read" becomes "readable."

By understanding the meanings of these suffixes, we can now find base words with the given suffixes. Here are a few examples:

- "-ment": enjoyment, movement, development
- "-less": endless, fearless, thoughtless
- "-en": deepen, strengthen, widen
- "-able": enjoyable, readable, likable

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.